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Why book direct?

Booking direct means that we can plan your stay from start to finish and ensure every part is the 5-star service you expect.

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Sheep Walking

Suitable for 4 years +

Walk with our Teddy Bear Sheep

30 minutes

A 30-minute experience walking one of our lovely Teddy Bear Sheep around the Orchard. Meet Hershey, Blue, Zigmo, Baa’rney, Arthur and Twix they would love to say hi!

£75 per sheep

'Ewe'llery Making

60 minutes

Wool jewellery-making using our tools and our wool. Ryeland are one of the oldest breeds in the country and their wool is amongst the finest. Guests will be guided on how to hand-make our very own designed Celtic Ring Bracelet as a keepsake.  

£105 per person

To book this activity as an additional part of your stay at Chewton Glen please contact Reservations 01425 282212 or email