September 2024
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September 2024
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Booking direct means that we can plan your stay from start to finish and ensure every part is the 5-star service you expect.

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The Cookery School - Sign In

Welcome to The Kitchen Cookery School at Chewton Glen, we hope you have an enjoyable and informative day with us. We aim to provide a relaxed environment, but there are just a few safety rules we need you to be aware of.

By signing below you acknowledge that you have heard, understood and will follow the guidance given during the Cookery School Health and Safety briefing and any additional health and safety advice or instructions given by the Cookery School Team during the session. By leaving your email address below you are consenting to receiving future cookery course details and exciting news from Chewton Glen

1. Wash your hands and sanitise thoroughly before cooking and at 30min intervals as directed by the technicians. Sinks are located adjacent to the chef tutor’s demonstration area.

2. Please never leave glasses or knives in the sinks. This is how most accidents happen.

3. Never walk around with a knife pointing up/out. Always carry knives at your side with the blade pointing down.

4. Give the technicians any breakages; tell us if you spill anything so that we can wipe it up. (we don’t mind!)

5. Always use oven dry oven cloths to remove hot items from the stove or oven.

6. In the event of a fire, we will leave by the nearest exit and gather on the field opposite The Kitchen.

7. We hope you have an accident free visit to The Kitchen. We have a number of fully qualified First Aiders in the building to deal with any incident. There is a First Aid Box in the kitchen. Please let us know if you have hurt yourself, particularly cuts or burns and we will be able to look after you.

8. Please inform staff of anything that we should know about you (e.g. epileptic, pregnant, allergies etc.) before cooking.

9. Use dry hands with electrical equipment.

10. Whilst we do provide containers to take your food away with you, we cannot be held liable or responsible for any food once it has been taken off the premises of The Kitchen Cookery School. You are solely responsible for the safe and appropriate storing and consumption of your food once you have taken it off the premises.


Please note that photographs and video footage may be taken during the class and used by Chewton Glen for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media. Please speak with the class tutor if you have any concerns or wish to be exempted from this activity.

Cookery School policy on Mobile Phones

We ask that you keep your mobile phone on silent or vibrate during the sessions. If you wish to use your mobile, please leave the room as quickly and quietly as possible to do so. Thank you.